Free property valuations

Free property

Are you thinking of selling your home? Or wondering what it’s worth? Our expert property teams in Edinburgh, Dundee and Perth can do a free, in-person valuation, as well as guide you through every step of a sale.

Free, in-person valuation

Our valuation process explained

Step 1

Step one

You complete and send the valuation request form below

Step 2

Step two

Our estate agency team visit your home and review the property

Step 3

Step three

We send you an accurate valuation and detailed marketing plan for the property

Get a free property valuation

Complete the valuation request form below and our estate agency team in Edinburgh, Dundee or Perth will get in touch to arrange a visit to your property

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Your questions answered

Because every home is different and online data sources can only tell you so much. 

With an in-person valuation, our property specialists can assess for themselves the size, condition and location of your property, and gauge its best selling points. That helps us provide a more accurate valuation and tailored marketing plan.

We’ll take a tour of the property, chat about what you’re hoping to do with it, and answer your questions about the sale process. We can also give you tips on the best timings for a sale and what to have done before putting the property on the market or getting photos taken. 

No, absolutely not. Your property doesn’t need to be picture-perfect and you don’t need a definite plan for moving. Our free, initial valuation can be a useful first step for deciding whether to move or discovering how to make your home more marketable. If you decide not to sell, that’s fine!

We’ll send you an accurate valuation and detailed marketing plan, and then it’s up to you. You could decide to sell the property through Lindsays or you could decide to stay put. The valuation is free and no-obligation, so you can take as long as you like to make up your mind and decide your next steps.

Property team insights

Here are some insights from our property experts
 who will be valuing your home.