Keeping up with current market trends can be a very expensive exercise so most people choose their décor and furnishings carefully so they can keep the look and feel for some time before embarking on a major overhaul. However, a change is as good as a holiday and below is some food for thought.

Bringing the outside in

One of the major trends I have noticed is the blending of indoors and outdoors. A lot of new homes feature large bi-fold or sliding patio doors, or many new home owners now see the potential in their new property extend the indoor space, especially if it is to be their ‘forever home’, and want to create a lovely sanctuary away from the hustle and bustle. These doors also provide more opportunity for entertaining, whether it’s a simple coffee with close friends or a large drinks party for the street, neighbourhood or village!

Creating a smart home

Modern apps which are now available such as Wi-Fi and fibre optic super-fast broadband speeds mean homes are becoming smarter. Especially as the younger more tech-savvy generations purchase homes and have a small budget to create a big difference in their day-to-day lives. For example, using smart phones to turn on your heating whilst commuting home or installing a Wi-Fi entertainment systems zoned throughout the home.

Lighting up your life

Where people would previously have relied on professionals for advice or suggestions on how best to light their living space, we now tend to be bolder and more creative and also have access to more options and information via the internet. There are so many products on the market and changing a relatively inexpensive light fitting can dramatically change the look and feel of a room. This improvement can also be linked to your new smart home by enabling your lights to be adjusted from the comfort of your new sofa!

Reinventing furniture

A look into most peoples’ garages (or as ours is more commonly used, a large storage container bolted to the side of our house) can uncover a treasure trove of old furniture - a favourite comfortable but well-worn chair or grandma’s old living room sofa. A real revelation is that owners are digging these out and getting them re-upholstered or a coat of paint to give them a fresh clean look but with real character which can become the focal point of a room.

Cooking up the latest in kitchens

Kitchen designs seem to be evolving as fast as smartphones. The current look tends to be modern and crisp, with clean lines, no handles and having every appliance built in. Whether it is bespoke or off-the-shelf, many home owners are tailoring the humble kitchen to suit their specific needs and tastes. There are some fantastic products out there, from large pull-out pantries, amazingly modern appliances, to lavish worktops and brilliant gadgets. However, I would urge home-owners to keep in mind the market and the potential future saleability of your property, as over personalising your home can lead to alienating it from the market.

Showing your true colours

Colour is an area of particular personal taste, needs and emotions. Pastels or funky neon colours have topped market trends in recent years, especially used as feature walls or whole room designs.  A lick of paint can transform a home, but the beauty of this simple task is that when you sell, the new owners can very easily paint over your old colours and start afresh. It seems period properties can easily take dark and moody colours, whereas modern homes often need to be more neutral, highlighted with the owners colourful furniture, soft furnishings or belongings.

For more information on market trends, your house’s current selling potential or the local property market, please contact a member of our residential property team.

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